Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

Friends, this post may be a bit odd on such a day as this, but I am going to write about Thanksgiving from my point of view this year. Here in Scotland the Christmas spirit has been in full swing for quite some time now. I honestly feel as though Thanksgiving has already come and gone this year, or simply that it just didn't come. At first this seemed sad, but now I am looking at it in a different light.
Today is a day I usually spend with family and friend running a 10k then stuffing myself with loads of amazing home cooked food that has been cooked with love and joy. This year though I am heading off to class, followed by a little celebration with sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, and "It's a Wonderful Life" with my roommate and a friend. Then of course, more revision (studying.)
With only this small simple celebration, I think this year I may be more thankful than any other year. Here is why: I am thankful that I have a family that I am missing today as so many people don't, I am thankful that I have a warm cozy house that I usually spend this day in cozied up to a fire, I am thankful that my family is fortunate enough to be able spend this day cooking and eating food made with love and joy, I am also thankful that they get to celebrate this holiday even without me, because guess what, it will come around again next year and I will get to be there!
I am also so very thankful for friends in this land 3000 miles away that found a small way to celebrate with me. I am thankful I get to share in the family traditions of my roommate who always watches "Its a Wonderful Life" on this day. I am thankful that I still have food and shelter over my head. I am thankful for the education I have the privilege of getting on this day.
Most of all though, I am thankful that even though I am missing one of my favorite days of the year with family, life goes on and in a few short weeks I will be gathered around the same table I usually am on this day, with the very same people, celebrating the birth of the One who granted me all of these things to be grateful for in the first place!


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