Alright friends! Things are really starting to get real! I am leaving for a whole year...what?! Don't get me wrong, I am beyond blessed to have to opportunity to live in Scotland for a year, but things slowly keep dawning on me about leaving. This process all started with that thing where you wake up and have no idea where you are, although really you do. I did this at my house at school after a nap and it took me a solid minute to figure it all out! When this happens all I want to do is go home; as in Northern Kentucky home. I know this will happen to me next year, as it did while I was in London, but home won't be an option. Anyway, here is my list so far of what I have realized:
- I need to soak up the sun now because it will not be a strong source of vitamin D for a long, long time.
- I am going to be cold! Not good, not bad. Just fact.
- I will need to be uncomfortable to find the comfort of new friends.
- I literally cannot come simply won't be an option like it is while at UK if I need a break.
- I am seeing my brother and sister-in-law for the last time this weekend until a little over a year from now!
- I need to start planning when I will see friends for the last time this summer before I take off...CRAZY!
- I am about to learn so much about myself that I currently cannot even comprehend how big this is.
- I am nervous because other people's nerves for me are scaring me!
- Im still excited.
Through each of these things and whatever other thoughts will come my way in the next few months there is one thing I know is certain. Expectations are either met or they aren't and because of this I am trying my hardest to have no expectations and just got with the flow! I cannot wait to see what this journey does for me, my life, and God's will for me!
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